Proposal writing

Between 2016 - 2020, I worked  part time as EU proposal writer, especially in H2020 calls. 

Some stats regarding EU proposal applications: 16 proposals presented in the period 2016 - 2020, 12 evaluated above threshold, 2 successfully funded for a combined amount of € 6,105,691.

Relevant H2020 project 

LIVERUR (2018 - 2021)

Type of action: H2020-RUR-09 (RIA)

Budget funded: € 4,107,005 (23 participants)

LIVERUR aims to expand an extremely innovative business model called Living Labs among rural regions. Living laboratories are ecosystems of open innovation, centered on the user, which often operate in a territorial context, integrating concurrent research and innovation processes within a public-private partnership.  The LIVERUR project identifies Living Labs as innovative business models that are currently being developed in rural areas, and will conduct socio-economic analyzes to identify, describe and compare the differences between the new approach of Living Lab and more entrepreneurial traditional approaches (mass production, development of prices, optimizing cost structures with companies, rationalization).

References on the activity of EU project management

David Christopher Heiser, Head of European Projects at UCAM, Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia,  Spain []